Claudia Fernandes

Alliances Manager, 2 years at Isogenica

What does work for you typically entail?
“An alliances project starts with a biologically relevant target for one of our partners. We study the biological function and determine whether it has any binders. Then we start selections – In my case I often do CIS display selections. After the selections, we clone binders into an expression vector and perform an ELISA. This gives us our positive binders against our target. These will go into sequencing, and then unique sequences will be expressed, purified, and functional assays will be performed. These could be cell-based or in-vitro assays, depending on the target.”

What is one way that you contribute to Isogenica as a whole?
“Externally, I am responsible for communicating with and presenting to one of our partners. Internally, I am responsible for the organisation of this work and for resourcing people to carry out tasks for this specific partner. Additionally, I’m involved in optimising our TC facilities and increasing our productivity, so that we will be able to process a higher number of samples.”

What do you enjoy most about your job at Isogenica?
“I really like forming relationships with the partners. I’ve always enjoyed combining different areas of work and coordinating with different labs, so that reflects very well when working with different partners. In my role I also have a lot of opportunity to train others, which I really enjoy. I am known to be quite efficient and organised, so I enjoy teaching others how to do that in the lab and developing a highly efficient team.”

Why did you join Isogenica?
“I like that science is a puzzle that we’re trying to find the final answer to. After I finished my PhD, I wanted to go into industry, where we can actually apply what we discover to potentially benefit someone in the future. Isogenica gave me that opportunity. We work with partners whose goal is to take this to the clinic and develop something that can help someone, which is the most enticing and rewarding part of my job.”

What do you like to do in your spare time?
“In my spare time, I have gotten myself into watercolour lately. So, a good afternoon is me, my watercolour paints and paper, and my cat curled up on my lap. I also enjoy reading or getting in touch with friends.”

What is your favourite book?
“My favourite book (that I have read as an adult) is ‘Gone Girl’ by Gillian Flynn. But of all time, I will have to say the Harry Potter saga – Goblet of Fire being my favourite.”

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